Eugénia da Conceição-Heldt
Dean of the TUM School of Governance
Under the motto of Bringing Politics and Technology Together, the Hochschule für Politik München (HfP) / TUM School of Governance examines the interactions among politics, the economy, society, and technology, seeking a multi- and transdisciplinary social scientific understanding of these interactions. In order to breathe life into this approach, we established in 2017 our signature event Munich Talks.
The Signature Event at the Hochschule für Politik München
Putting the spotlight on political challenges and examining solution strategies: Munich Talks carries on the long tradition of the Hochschule für Politik München/TUM School of Governance as a place of meeting for political science, political education and political practice. High-ranking scientists, well-known politicians and policymakers analyze current political developments and decision-making processes in political practice, making politics and political science a tangible experience for the general public.
José Manuel Barroso
„The European Union is a community of values – like freedom, democracy, human rights and we need to promote these values!“
Previous Speakers
José Manuel Barroso
11th President of the European Commission
Andrew Moravcsik
Director of the European Union Program at Princeton University
Andrew Moravcsik
„The Euro is making people hate the European Union.“
Contact us
Hochschule für Politik München
TUM School of Governance
Munich Talks
Richard-Wagner-Str. 1
80333 Munich